General Adaptation Syndrome
The general adaptation syndrome (GAS), developed by Hans Selye, describes the pattern of responses that the body goes through after being prompted by a stressor. There are three stages: alarm, resistance, and exhaustion.
Cluster Number:
Wiki Number: W089
Diagnosis: General Adaptation Syndrome
US Patients:
World Patients:
Sex Ratio:
Age Onset:
Brain Area: amygdala, hypothalamus, limbic system, stria terminalis, prefrontal cortex; the autonomic nervous system takes over
Symptoms: lack of coping resources to chronic stress can lead to delusions, depression and anxiety, raise serum lipids vs. heart attacks
Progression: alarm(shock&(antishock-locus coeruleus); resistancea, and exhaustion-return to homeostaisis unless chronic-PTSD
Causes: sympathetic nervous system (like “speech anxiety”) and the hypothalmic nervous system-fight-flight releasing cortisol
Medications: None Listed
Therapies: Learning coping strategies reduces stress;acute stress, short duration; (may be milder) stress, long enough to be chronic
Youtube Video: Stress and the HPA Axis
Amazon or Library Book: Human Adaptation to Extreme Stress
Click your book to link or order from Amazon.
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- Comparative analysis of the state of the microvasculature of the oral mucosa in persons with metabolic syndrome in the aspect of orthopedic dental rehabilitationby A V Khizhuk on January 20, 2025
CONCLUSION: Disorders of microcirculation in the tissues of the mouth against the background of MS of varying severity led to a decrease in the activity of blood flow and tissue perfusion, which indicates a deterioration in tissue trophism, especially in persons with MS complicated by hypertension and/or type 2 diabetes. This trend predetermines a negative impact on the condition of the tissues around the DI, both before its installation and during the period of adaptation to orthopedic...
- Demoralization's link to depression and anxiety symptoms: A network analysisby Markus Ramm on December 15, 2024
Demoralization represents a clinical syndrome conceptualized as maladaptive coping to a stressor associated with discouragement, feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, and a loss of meaning in life. It is a prevalent comorbidity in individuals with severe physical illnesses and affects a substantial proportion of the general population when facing global stressors like the COVID-19 pandemic. The main aim of the study was to test whether demoralization and features of depression and anxiety...
- Determination of Recovery by Total Restitution or Compensation Using Multifrequency Vestibular Tests and Subjective Functional Scales in a Human Model of Vestibular Neuritisby Enrico Armato on November 25, 2024
CONCLUSIONS: Vascular risk factors (hypercholesterolemia) are correlated with patients who do not recover their symptoms via either total restitution or compensation. There was no significant difference between high- and low-frequency vestibular tests in patients recovering from their symptoms. Some patients with objective recovery may continue to have persistent subjective symptoms.
- Effect of an Exercise Intervention Based on General Adaptation Syndrome Model on Psychological Experience in Community-Dwelling Elderlyby Liping Dai on November 15, 2024
CONCLUSION: This intervention model is not only beneficial for improving positive psychological experience in the elderly but can also effectively reduce their negative psychological experience. This study provides valuable reference for scientific intervention in the mental health of the elderly.